Here is a personal Message from Aathmeswar Sathiyaji…
It has always been an inspiration for me when you as Sathiya Yogi find an immersive peace of mind and see the rays of Enlightenment during our meditations, healings and Mandala Sessions and as well as the Rituals and Materialistic solutions.
SATHIYA YOGAM is organising a session for Health with Happiness through Traditional & Modern Technology Methods
In order to Facilitate an awareness, understanding about Sathiya yogam and our services and activities, we are organising a half-day session.
Date: 21st July 2019 (Sunday)
Venue: Hotel Residency Towers, T.Nagar, Chennai.
Session 1 : Premium
9.00 am to 1.15 pm
Cost: Rs.2000 (includes Lunch & Tea)
Session 2 : Standard
2.15 pm to 5.45 pm
Cost: Rs.750
Call us for more information at 79044 20161 – SATHIYA YOGAM ASHRAM
We together liberate each other! Aathmanamaskaram!