You can train your brain to experience more happiness on a daily basis through a series of short exercises during your work day and downtime
Evolution left humans makes with a tendency to pay attention to the negative rather then the Positive because survival depend upon immediately identifying and quickly reacting to life threats, “The brain evolved a negative bias that makes like Velcro for bad experiences but Teflon for good ones.”
Therefore, bad experiences tend to stick with us, while good experience tend to be quickly forgotten. Over time we thus tend to accumulate a long list of easily – recalled bad experiences, which seem vivid and significant, while we tend to forget good experiences.
Good relationships require at least 5 -to- 1 ratio of positive interactions to negative ones. In other words, You’ll probably dislike your boss, if he doesn’t like to praise you at least five times more than he criticizes you. I’d actually go further than that. I’d say some negative interactions completely ruin a relationship, at work or anywhere else.
Fortunately, while the human brain is prone to negativity, It’s also flexible, which is why you can reprogram it to be happy simply by taking 10 to 30 secs to focus on how happy you feel when you’re experience a small pleasure.
That pleasure might be something like interacting with your children or even just the sense of satisfaction that comes from getting work done. You instruct your brain to stick a ” This is Important” to flag on little things that make you happy. Over time, your brain becomes acclimatized to being happy.
The people who I’ve known who are happiest aren’t those who have encountered the fewest difficulties in life, but those who seem to be able to enjoy whatever is going on
at the time, with out really knowing what they’re doing, those people who seem “naturally happy” have been programming their brains to be that way. You and i do the same